Mau bikin video tutorial desktop? ini aplikasinya!

[Garis Horizon] untuk membuat sebuah video tutorial yang berhubungan sama aplikasi komputer. (biasanya berguna buat tutorial bahasa pemograman, design, atau tips windows) sama sekali gak perlu fasilitas kamera.

emang sih udah banyak yang tau, tapi moga aja posting blog ini berguna buat mereka yang belum tau.

dari puluhan atau mungkin ratusan software yang sejenis. ada salah satu pilihan yang saya rekomendasikan.
namanya adalah Camtica, salah satu Screen Recorder Software yang cukup powerful untuk digunakan.

lah emang kenapa musti pake Camtica?

ini deskripsi dari website officialnya (saya copas aja ya)

* To create professional screen recordings, demonstrations, presentations, screencasts, tutorials and more
* To generate effective videos that help you train, teach, sell and more
* To create demonstration videos for any software program
* To show customers how to use your product
* To create on-demand interactive training, tutorials for school or college class
* To create a set of videos answering your most frequently asked questions
* To share your recordings on YouTube, and other videos sites

fiturnya juga lumayan banyak (saya copas lagi ya :D)

* Records entire desktop, selected rectangle region, dynamic region around mouse cursor, webcam
* Records anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen and rectangular regions
* Records desktop screen with audio and webcam together - personalizing your videos by including a webcam movie of yourself over * your desktop at any position
* Records video chats, Skype video calls, games, flash movies played on sites
* Mouse highlighting spotlights the location of the cursor
* Records video in many video file formats including AVI and WMV
* Supports various video and audio codecs
* Free support and advice
* Free lifetime updates and upgrades
* System requirements: Windows XP/2000/2003/Vista/Windows 7

yang pasti sih, cara pakenya gampang dan gak ribed.

ini beberapa screenshot aplikasinya :

atau kalau mau lebih jelas lagi. langsung aja ke websitenya di link ini

yuk berbagi tutorial! :D