Do people actually read your blog, Watson?

it's been age since the last time i update this bloody blog. it's not like i abandon it or whatsoever. i just enjoy my real life more. i read books, movie and hang out with my friends. but nothing in particular that worth to write in this blog. or maybe you can just call me lazy.

but now i just realized something (maybe too late). writing. no matter how bad. it is something that worth to do.

now, let me take a deep breath before i write some story to start my daily routine as a blogger (again).

nobody disagree that love is unstoppable force and the strongest feeling. no matter how stuck your idea, you can always write something about love. all you need to do is just thinking about her, and your finger is automatically typing.

now i close my eyes and i can see her face. it's a bit silly i guess. how old the fuck i am. a ten year old boy something who just discover some crush? obviously not. but it's true that maybe i fall again. and i hope this is not just another mistakes.

well, i guess, everybody who fall in love is somehow become a child again. innocent, show off, full of hopes and have a needed for attention. from her the loved one of course.

but a mature relationship somehow is in the whole new different level. it is not marriage of course. i have a friend that as same as my age (20) who has already experienced divorced. and now ready to get married again with new girl. it is shocking for me. how in the world you can do something like that. i still am shocked every time i was thinking about that.

all i wanna say is, it is okay for anybody to become a child again when fall in love. but i just can't imagine somebody who go on a relationship and the purpose is no other than to hurt someone. love is a strong feeling of course, but it is not something that you can freely play with. you are responsible for anybody who involved in your love story. anybody you made them happy, and anybody you hurts.

fuck grammar!  just experimenting a new thing :p
*the title is a quote from Sherlock Holmes series [link].

  1. love is not words, so just do it n enjoy it :D

  2. you fall in love if everyday you craving for do chitchat with him/her.
    aku juga jelek di grammar hahaha just ignore it
